美国工程院院士Elaine S. Oran学术报告通知
来源: | 审核:张庆明 | 编辑:yl23455永利官网 王雪慧 | 发布日期:2014-04-02 | 阅读次数:

报告题目1:Turbulence and Energetic Reactive Flows

报告题目2:Effects of Turbulence, Scale on Flame Acceleration, Detonations, and DDT: Experiments at Lake Lynn Laboratories
报告人:美国工程院院士Elaine S. Oran

Elaine S. Oran is Glenn L. Martin Institute Professor at the University of Maryland and Professor of Aerospace Engineering. He also hold position at the University of Maryland in Mechanical Engineering ad Fire Protection Engineering, and is emerita Senior Scientist for Reactive Flow Physics at the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL). She received an A.B. in chemistry and physics from Bryn Mawr College and both a M.Ph. in Physics and a Ph.D. in Engineering and Applied Science from Yale University. Her recent research topics include: chemically reactive flows, turbulence, numerical analysis, high-performance computing and parallel architectures, shocks and shock interactions, rarefied gases, and microfluidics, with applications to combustion, propulsion, astrophysical explosions, and micro-sensor design. In addition to her positions at the University of Maryland and NRL, she is currently an adjunct professor of Aerospace Engineering at the University of Michigan and a visiting professor at Leeds University. She is a member of the National Academy of Engineering, an Honorary Fellow of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, and a Fellow of the American Physical Society, the Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics, and the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. She has received honorary doctorates from Ecole Central de Lyon and Leeds University, as well as a number of prizes and medals for technical work, including the Zeldovich Gold Medal of the Combustion Institute and the Fluid Dynamics Prize of the American Physical Society.
