来源: | 发布日期:2023-06-05 | 阅读次数:

Summer School on Impact Dynamics and Safety Protection Course Overview

一、课程目标 Our Mission



With the rapid development of modern economy and the popularization and application of new technologies, the safe operation of engineering structures has been challenged unprecedentedly. Understanding the dynamic behavior of deformation, collapse, damage, and failure of various structures under harsh working conditions such as impact and explosion is crucial for its application in engineering. The Impact Dynamics and Safety Protection Summer School is an annual master course event held by the School of Mechatronical Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT). Invited lecturers are from six well-known universities, including Curtin University, Swinburne University of Technology and University College London, and all world-renowned scholars in the field of explosion mechanics, combustion science, and safety protection.

The course will provide advanced scientific knowledge and relevant research methods for postgraduates majoring in weaponry science and technology, safety science, mechanics, aerospace, vehicle engineering, protection engineering, and national defense engineering, laying a foundation for their scientific research. At the same time, the knowledge and methods elaborated in this course can also be used for reference by teachers, researchers and engineers in related fields.

二、课程介绍 Syllabus


The 2023 Summer School on Impact Dynamics and Safety Protection will offer the following six courses with a total of 37 class hours. The course will be offered from July 3rd to July 10th (Beijing Time):

三、相关信息 General Information


This course is open to current graduates, post-doctors, faulty, professionals in research institutions, and industrial R&D engineers. Lectures will be presented online using ZOOM. No fees will be charged. BIT graduate students and students with graduate recommendation who finish the program will be given credits and awarded certificates.

四、报名方式 Registration


Registration is open from June 5~June 23, 2023.Register online at https://www.wjx.cn/vm/Q0BuVZo.aspx or via the QR Code. After you register, join WeChat group to keep in contact. Acceptance notices will be issued by June 26.


五、联系方式 Contact Us



联系邮箱: 7220171217@bit.edu.cn、sklest@bit.edu.cn

For inquiries, please contact the program administrators,

Ms. Wang  Tel: (86)13520487167   Email: 7220171217@bit.edu.cn

Ms. Cao     Tel: (86)18510570862   Email: sklest@bit.edu.cn

六、课程简介 Course Content


Dynamic response of fiber metal laminates under impact loads


The fiber metal laminates present superior anti-impact, anti-explosion and anti-fatigue properties. This course mainly introduces the application of fiber metal laminates at the present stage, the fabrication of multilayer structures and their explosion impact, and the development of multi-scale modeling of fibers and resins, including the user-defined constitutive models, failure criteria and interface treatment. Additionally, the impact simulation and experimental verification of the scale effects of braided composites using the multi-scale models will also be presented. The course also introduces the current application of PVC foam sandwich structures, including corrugated sandwich, carbon fiber space truss sandwich, egg sandwich and other sandwich structures.


Current practice and research on analysis and design of structures to resist blast loads


The course mainly discusses the dynamic response of structures under explosion impact loads, the design principle of blast-resistant structures, the latest development and application of new blast-resistant materials and structures, the methods of structural dynamics analysis and numerical simulation, the latest development of structural safety control theory, etc.


Energy absorption and impact response of structures and materials


This course aims to introduce the basic concepts and principles regarding energy absorption by structures and materials. It mainly focused on the recent research in energy absorption and/or dynamic impact behavior of thin-walled structures, porous and cellular solids, and composite structures. Among them, cellular materials and their structures offered good energy absorption performance, and their structural performance could be adjusted and might be optimized in design. The design concept could be extended to other areas of applications in industries such as mining and sports, and civil engineering.


Stress wave propagation in cellular solids


Porous material is a new multifunctional material that integrates physical function and structure because of its specific meso-structure. This course will introduce the mechanical response characteristics of porous materials under compression loads, with an emphasis on stress wave propagation in porous media. The course will also discuss the compression behavior of typical porous materials, the establishment of one-dimensional rigid-perfect plastic-self-locking (RPPL) theoretical model, the influence of material micro-inertia, shock wave effect and other factors on the stress wave propagation and energy absorption characteristics.


Principles of Building Fire Dynamics


The main goal of this course is to let students master the basic knowledge, basic concepts and basic principles of fire science through the study of the basic theory of fire science, learn how to apply these knowledge to solve practical fire problems, learn to grasp the main contradiction, ignore the secondary contradiction and Simplify the analysis methods of physical models and cultivate students' ability to analyze their intrinsic nature through fire phenomena, laying the foundation for students' future study and work.


Underwater electrical explosion of wire and wire array


The course aims to establish the concept of electrical explosion and introduce some application in shock physics and explosion simulations. The explosion is closely related to the liquid-vapor phase transition of the metal. Recent molecular dynamic simulation suggested the phase transition could be finished in a nanosecond. For the research of explosion effects, the electrical explosion provides a safe, convenient, and pure laboratory explosion source, without the extra consideration of chemical reactions. In addition, the energy release power of such system is sufficiently high to support the study of non-linear properties of SWs and jets.

七、 授课专家简介  Lecturers


Lecturer 1: Hong Hao, Curtin University, Australia

专家简介:郝洪教授是澳大利亚工程院院士,科廷大学杰出教授,国际著名防护工程、结构安全、冲击动力学专家,国际防护结构学会主席,国际地震学会澳大利亚主席。受邀国际大会报告超过100次,担任国际防护结构等2个期刊主编、10余个期刊编委,发表学术论文500余篇,引用超过20000次,Google Scholar H-Index 超过71。

Prof. Hao Hong is Australian Laureate Fellow and a distinguished Professor in Curtin University. He is an internationally renowned expert in protective engineering, structural safety and impact dynamics. He is the International Association of Protective Structures, Australian Rep in the International Association of Earthquake Engineering. He has been invited to make keynote presentations at international conferences for more than 100 times. He serves as the chief editor of two journals such as international Protection Structure and editorial board member of more than 10 journals. He has published more than 500 academic papers with more than 20,000 citations, and Google Scholar H-Index has exceeded 71.


Lecturer 2: Zhongwei Guan, Advanced Materials Research Centre of Technology Innovation Institute in Abu Dhabi

专家简介:官忠伟教授是阿布扎比阿联酋技术创新研究院先进材料研究中心的执行董事。在 1993年获英国布拉德福大学高分子结构管道工程博士学位。在2021年,他担任了英国利物浦大学轻型复合材料和结构的讲习教授。主要研究方向为轻质复合材料结构在撞击和爆炸等极端载荷条件下的冲击响应。Google Scholar H-Index为43,被引用5900多次。官忠伟教授被美国斯坦福大学评为百分之二世界顶尖科学家。他担任《国际冲击工程杂志》、《国际应用复合材料杂志》编委及20多个国际会议的学术委员会成员。他获得了IAAM(国际先进材料协会)奖章,国际华人计算力学学会(ICACM)研究员奖以及JSPS。

Professor Zhongwei Guan is Executive Director of Advanced Materials Research Centre of Technology Innovation Institute in Abu Dhabi. He was awarded PhD on Structural Behavior of Polymeric Pipelining in University of Bradford UK in 1993. In 2021, He was lecturer in Lightweight Composite Materials and Structures at the University of Liverpool. His research interest covers impact response of lightweight composite structures under extreme loading conditions such as impact and explosion. The Google Scholar H-Index is 43 and has been cited more than 5,900 times. Professor Guan Zhongwei has been named two percent of the world's top scientists by Stanford University. He serves on the editorial board of the International Journal of Impact Engineering, the International Journal of Applied Composites and on the academic committees of more than 20 international conferences. He has received the IAAM (International Association for Advanced Materials) Medal, the International Chinese Society for Computational Mechanics (ICACM) Fellow Award and the JSPS.

3. 授课专家:PJ Tan教授,英国伦敦大学学院

Lecturer 3: PJ Tan, University College London, UK

专家简介:Tan教授是英国伦敦大学学院机械系材料高应变率实验室主任,国际冲击动力学旗舰期刊International Journal of Impact Engineering副主编,研究方向包含轻质高强材料在强动载荷下的效应与防护机理、生物冲击动力学等。Tan教授提出的“冲击波理论”受到国内外学者的广泛引用(他引超过400次)。Tan教授在固体力学、冲击动力学相关领域发表SCI国际期刊论文69篇,论文在SCI数据库统计被引用超过2000次,H值为17。

PJ Tan is currently Professor of Applied Mechanics in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at UCL. He heads the High Strain Rate Laboratory. Prof. Tan is an Associate Editor for International Journal of Impact Engineering. He is particularly interested in understanding how lightweight materials and structures respond to dynamic loadings and more arduous operating conditions. The "Shock" theory proposed by Prof. Tan has been widely cited by scholars (more than 400 times). He has published 69 papers in SCI international journals in the fields of solid mechanics and impact mechanics, which have been cited more than 2000 times in SCI database statistics, with an H value of 17.

4. 授课专家:黄鑫炎副教授,香港理工大学

Lecturer 4: Xinyan Huang, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, HK

专家简介:黄鑫炎博士是香港理工大学建筑环境及能源工程系副教授、博导,消防安全工程研究中心副主任。博士毕业于英国帝国理工大学,曾在美国加州大学伯克利分校进行博士后研究。黄博士是SCI期刊Fire Technology和 Intl. J. Wildland Fire副主编、Fire Safety J.和Fire and Materials编委。曾获得国际燃烧学会伯纳德-刘易斯学者、国际火灾学会杰出青年科学家奖、英国皇家学会访问学者、香港工程师协会消防工程卓越大奖等奖项。

Dr. Huang is an Associate Professor and Doctoral supervisor at Hong Kong Polytechnic University and the Deputy Director of the Research Centre for Fire Safety Engineering. He received his PhD from Imperial College London in the UK and did postdoctoral research at the University of California, Berkeley in the US. Dr. Huang is associate editor of SCI journal Fire Technology and Intl. J. Wildland Fire, and author of the journal Fire Safety J. and Fire and Materials. He was awarded the Bernard-Lewis Scholar of the International Institute of Combustion, the Distinguished Young Scientist Award of the International Institute of Fire Science, the Visiting Scholar of the Royal Society of Britain, and the Fire Engineering Excellence Award of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers.