以色列理工学院Daniel Rittel教授受聘我校兼职教授和兼职博导
来源: | 审核:陈鹏万 | 供稿:yl23455永利官网 王崇 | 摄影:yl23455永利官网 廖峭 | 编辑:yl23455永利官网 王崇 | 发布日期:2017-09-04 | 阅读次数:

       2017年8月30日,yl23455永利官网在三号楼举行了兼职教授和兼职博导聘任仪式,聘请以色列理工学院Daniel Rittel教授为我校兼职教授和兼职博士生导师。出席聘任仪式的有副校长方岱宁院士,研究生院、人事处、国际交流合作处和yl23455永利官网等单位负责人,以及yl23455永利官网和材料学院教师代表。聘任仪式由人事处副处长金海波主持。

       yl23455永利官网陈小伟教授介绍了Daniel Rittel教授在科学研究领域取得的成就。方岱宁副校长代表学校向Daniel Rittel教授颁发了yl23455永利官网兼职教授和兼职博导聘书。Daniel Rittel教授发言表示,非常荣幸受聘为yl23455永利官网兼职教授和兼职博导,希望以此为契机进一步加强与我校的合作,将相关工作落到实处。研究生院肖文英副院长介绍了我校研究生培养情况,并希望Daniel Rittel教授今后为学校研究生培养国际化提供帮助和支持。yl23455永利官网院长陈鹏万发言,希望双方今后在科学研究、人才培养及“111引智基地”建设等方面的合作取得丰硕的成果。

       方岱宁副校长最后发表了讲话,他首先向Daniel Rittel教授受聘yl23455永利官网兼职教授和兼职博导表示热烈的祝贺,并希望Daniel Rittel教授的加入不仅能为我们带来前沿的学科信息、研究理念,还将有力的促进yl23455永利官网和以色列理工学院全方位的交流和合作。

       聘任仪式结束后,Daniel Rittel教授作了一场题为“The Physics and Mechanics of Dynamic Shear Localization”的学术报告,并与参会的教师、同学们进行了互动研讨,回答了所提问题,报告会气氛热烈。

附:Daniel Rittel教授简介
       D. Rittel holds a PhD in Materials Science (1988) from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He spent 2 years as a postdoc at Yale University working on the fracture of tungsten base heavy alloys, followed by 3.5 years at EcolePolytechnique (France), working on experimental dynamic fracture mechanics. He joined Technion (Mechanical Engineering) in 1994 where he founded the Dynamic Fracture Laboratory.
        As of today, D. Rittel holds the Zandman Chair in Experimental Mechanics, heads the Materials Mechanics Center. He is also the Deputy Senior Vice President (Vice Provost) of Technion.
        D. Rittel was the Clark B. Millikan Visiting Professor in Aeronautics (2007) at Caltech where he holds a Visiting Associate position, and incumbent of a Catedra de Excellencia at UC3M (Madrid) in 2012, where he is now Honorary Professor.
        Throughout the years, D. Rittel has developed expertise in many aspects of dynamic failure, including fracture mechanics, constitutive behavior, dynamic failure mechanisms and numerical modeling. He is a Fellow of the Society for Experimental Mechanics (SEM) and of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME).
        D. Rittel’s interest is in the thermomechanics and physics of dynamic failure with regard to dynamic fragmentation, fracture, adiabatic shear banding and hysteretic heating. In addition, D. Rittel is also active in the field of biomechanics of dental implants. As of today, he has co-authored about 160 journal publications. Among these journal papers, 2 in Physical Review Letters, 7 in Applied Physics Letters, 2 in Science Report, 13 in Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 15 in International Journal of Impact Engineering, 19 in Mechanics of Materials, 25 in Experimental Mechanics, 10 in International Journal Solids and Structures.
       Dr. Rittel is Associate Editor of Mechanics of Materials, the International Journal of Engineering Science, as well as the International Journal of Impact Engineering. In 2015, D. Rittel was awarded the prestigious GiliAgostinelli Prize (Torino Academy of Sciences, Italy) for his work on adiabatic shear localization. In 2018, he will receive the BJ. Lazan award from the SEM.