
联系电话 :010-68913959
E-mail :yuanye20@bit.edu.cn
办公地点 :9号教学楼615-4
- 所在学科力学工程系
- 研究方向爆炸与冲击动力学、强动载防护材料与结构
- 教育背景2005年9月—2009年7月 西北工业大学, 飞行器设计与制造专业,本科
2009年9月—2010年10月 英国布里斯托大学,飞行器设计与制造专业, 硕士
2011年3月-2015年11月 英国伦敦大学学院,应用力学专业,博士 - 工作经历2016年3月—2018年6月 清华大学,车辆与运载学院,博士后
2018年7月-2019年12月 英国帝国理工学院,机械系,博士后
2020年3月至今 yl23455永利官网, yl23455永利官网, 副教授 - 学术成果
(1) Yuan Ye, Zhang Yufeng, Ruan Dong, Zhang Ao, Liang Yiming, Tan, PJ, Chen Pengwan* (2023), “Deformation and failure of additively manufactured Voronoi foams under dynamic compressive loadings”, Engineering Structures, 284, 115954
(2) Wei Yuchen, Zhang Chengjian, Yuan Ye*, Chen Pengwan, Huang Chunyang, Li Jiachen, Yuan Mengqi**, (2023), “Blast response of additive manufactured Ti-6Al-4V sandwich panels”, International Journal of Impact Engineering, 176, 104553.
(3) Zhang Chengjian, Yuan Ye*, Su Xuanxuan, Tan PJ, Zhang Qibo, Chen Pengwan**. (2023), “Large inelastic response of polyurea-coated steel plates to confined blast loading”, Thin-walled structures, 183, 110454
(4) Yuan Ye, Zhang Yufeng, Qiao Yang, Xie Jing*, Xu Qingfeng, Qi Yuanshen, Zhang Wangfeng, Chen Pengwan**, (2023), “Effect of build orientation on dynamic compressive behavior of Ti-6Al-4V alloy fabricated by selective laser melting”, Materials Science and Engineering: A 144440
(5) Yuan Ye*, Zhang Qibo., Bian Xiaobing., Huang Guangyan., Zhang Chengjian, Su Xuanxuan, Xu Yuxin**. (2022), “Ballistic perforation resistance of elastomer-metal laminate plates”, Materials & Design, 224, 111434
(6) Yuan Ye *, Li Xudong., Zhang Chengjian., Tan PJ, Chen Pengwan**, (2022), “Impulse saturation in metal plates under confined blasts”, International Journal of Impact Engineering, 168, 104308
(7) Zhang Chengjian, Tan PJ, Yuan Ye*, (2022),“Confined blast loading of steel plates with and without pre-formed holes”, International Journal of Impact Engineering, 163, 104183
(8) Zhang Chunbo, Chen Xiaowei*, Yuan Ye, (2021), “Characterization of the non-ideal debris cloud in yaw hypervelocity impact by cylindrical projectile”, International Journal of Impact Engineering, 155, 103908
(9) Yuan Y.*., Zhang C., Xu Y**. (2021), “Influence of standoff distance on the deformation of square steel plates subjected to internal blast loadings”, Thin-Walled Structures, 164, 107914
(10) Yuan Y., Ye T., Wu Y., Xu Y*. (2021) , “Mechanical and ballistic properties of graphene platelets reinforced B4C ceramics: Effect of TiB2 addition”, Materials Science & Engineering A 817, 141294
(11) Yuan Y.*, Jones A., Setchfield R., Schwingshackl C.W. (2020), “Robust design optimisation of underplatform dampers for turbine applications using a surrogate model”, Journal of Sound and Vibration: 115528
(12) Yuan Y., Tan PJ *(2019), “On large deformation, damage and failure of ductile plates to blast loading”, International Journal of Impact Engineering: 132, 103330
(13) Yuan Y., Zhu L., Bai X., Yu T.X., Li Y., Tan PJ * (2019), “Pressure–impulse diagrams for elastoplastic beams subjected to pulse-pressure loading”, International Journal of Solids and Structures: 160, 148-157
(14) Yuan Y., Tan PJ*, Shojaei KA, Wrobel P. (2018), “On momentum transfer and external work done to clamped elasto-plastic beams in an air blast”, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences: 146, 377-385
(15) Xu C., Yuan Y*., Zhao C., Tan PJ., Xu X., Li Y. (2018), “Dynamic crack-interface interactions in SGP laminated glass: An experimental investigation”, Mechanics of Materials: 122, 76-84
(16) Yuan Y*., Tan PJ, Li Y. (2018), “Dynamic structural response of laminated glass panels to blast loading”, Composite Structures: 182, 579-589
(17) Yuan Y*., Xu C., Xu T., Sun Y., Liu B., Li Y. (2017), “An analytical model for deformation and damage of rectangular laminated glass under low-velocity impact”, Composite Structures: 176, 833-843
(18) Yuan Y., Tan PJ*, Shojaei KA, Wrobel P. (2017), “The influence of deformation limits on fluid–structure interactions in underwater blasts”, International journal of impact engineering: 101, 9-23
(19) Yuan Y., Tan PJ*, Shojaei KA, Wrobel P. (2016), “Large deformation, damage evolution and failure of ductile structures to pulse-pressure loading”, International Journal of Solids and Structures: 96, 320-339
(20) Yuan Y., Tan PJ* (2013), “Deformation and failure of rectangular plates subjected to impulsive loadings”, International Journal of Impact Engineering: 59, 46-59
- 教学工作主要讲授课程:
本科生课程《理论力学》 - 荣誉奖励获2013年度国家优秀自费留学生奖学金
- 社会兼职International Journal of Impact Engineering,Engineering Structures, International Journal of Solids and Structures等期刊审稿人