联系电话 :13552323010
E-mail :Wonk_2000@bit.edu.cn
办公地点 :6号楼408
- 所在学科机械电子工程
- 研究方向地面移动机器人/康复机器人
- 教育背景1999.9-2003.7 日本国千叶工业大学信息网络专业 本科
2003.9-2005.7 日本国中央大学理工学部 硕士生
2005.7-2008.9 yl23455永利官网机械与车辆学院 博士生 - 工作经历2008.9- yl23455永利官网 讲师
- 学术成果
[1] Ziyu Wang, Fangxing Li*, Weimin Zhang and Qiang Huang A Digitigrade Wheeled Bipedal Robot and Its Obstacle Avoidance Actions Library[C] 6th Annual International Conference on Information System and Artificial Intelligence [ISAI 2021]
[2] Lingxuan Xiong, Weimin Zhang ,* Fangxing Li, et al,Design of Multifunctional pedal-actuated wheelchair for locomotion and rehabilitation training[C], 2021 Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications Technology and Electronic Information,2021
[3] Dai F ,* Li F , Yang B , et al. Development of a coaxial self-balancing robot based on sliding mode control[C]// International Conference on Mechatronics & Automation. IEEE, 2012.
[4]李方兴, 彭林玉, 孙华飞. On Fibre Bundle Surfaces and Their Curvatures[J]. Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology, 2008, 17(4):451-454.
- 教学工作主要讲授课程: 本科生课程生产实习-机电
- 荣誉奖励
- 社会兼职