
联系电话 :010-68912696
E-mail :lingaojian@bit.edu.cn
办公地点 :中心教学楼1242
- 所在学科力学
- 研究方向材料与结构冲击动力学、轻质多功能防护材料
- 教育背景2010年9月—2014年7月 中国科学技术大学 精密机械与精密仪器专业 本科
2014年9月—2018年8月 美国天普大学 机械工程专业 博士 - 工作经历2019年1月—2022年10月 yl23455永利官网兵器科学与技术博士后流动站 博士后
2022年10月至今 yl23455永利官网 讲师、硕士生导师 - 学术成果
[1] G Lin, T Fu, Y Qiu, F Li, W Sun*. Flame retardancy and anti-impact performance of polyurea composite coating reinforced by modified ammonium polyphosphate and two-dimensional nano-fillers, Progress in Organic Coatings,2023,180,107554
[2] W Sun, T Zhu, F Li, G Lin*. Digital image correlation-aided non-destructive buckling load prediction of cylindrical shells, International Journal of Solids and Structures 2022, 254,111941
[3] H Zhang, P Chen, G Lin*, W Sun*. A corrugated gradient mechanical metamaterial: Lightweight, tunable auxeticity and enhanced specific energy absorption, Thin-Walled Structures 2022,176, 109355
[4] G Lin, J Li, F Li, P Chen, W Sun*. Low-velocity impact response of sandwich composite panels with shear thickening gel filled honeycomb cores, Composites Communications 2022, 32, 101136
[5] G Lin, F Li, Q Zhang, P Chen, W Sun*. Dynamic instability of fiber composite cylindrical shell with metal liner subjected to internal pulse loading, Composite Structures 2022, 280, 114906
[6] W Sun, T Zhu, P Chen, G Lin*. Dynamic implosion of submerged cylindrical shell under the combined hydrostatic and shock loading, Thin-Walled Structures 2022, 170, 108574
[7] G Lin, J Li, P Chen*, W Sun*. Buckling of lattice columns made from three-dimensional chiral mechanical metamaterials, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 2021, 194, 106208
[8] G Lin, J Li, Z Xu, D Ge, W Sun*, P Chen*. Hierarchical surface patterns via global wrinkling on curved substrate for fluid drag control, Advanced Materials Interfaces 2021, 8 (1), 2001489
[9] G Lin, W Sun*, P Chen*. Topography-driven delamination of thin patch adhered to wrinkling surface, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 2020, 178, 105622
[10] Y Ke#, J Chen#, G Lin#, S Wang, Y Zhou, J Yin*, PS Lee*, Y Long*. Smart windows: electro‐, thermo‐, mechano‐, photochromics, and beyond, Advanced Energy Materials 2019, 9 (39), 1902066
[11] G Lin, Q Zhang, DA Dikin, J Yin*. Constrained droplet base in condensed water on carbon nanoparticle coating for delayed freezing, Extreme Mechanics Letters 2018, 24, 38-46
[12] G Lin, Q Zhang, C Lv, Y Tang, J Yin*. Small degree of anisotropic wetting on self-similar hierarchical wrinkled surfaces, Soft Matter 2018, 14 (9), 1517-1529
[13] G Lin#, D Ge#, Y Tang, Y Xia, G Wu, L Han, S Yang, J Yin*. Cuts guided deterministic buckling in arrays of soft parallel plates for multifunctionality, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2017, 9 (34), 29345-29354
[14] G Lin, P Chandrasekaran, C Lv, Q Zhang, Y Tang, L Han, J Yin*. Self-similar hierarchical wrinkles as a potential multifunctional smart window with simultaneously tunable transparency, structural color, and droplet transport, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2017, 9 (31), 26510-26517
- 教学工作1、讲授本科生课程《理论力学》
2、美国天普大学Doctoral Dissertation Completion Grant
3、中国科学技术大学第十二届Robogame冠军 - 社会兼职1、中国力学学会会员、中国复合材料学会会员
2、担任Materials Physics and Chemistry,Journal of building technology期刊编委。
3、担任Applied Ocean Research, Applied Surface Science, International journal of structural stability and dynamics等期刊特邀审稿人。