
联系电话 :010-68918740
E-mail :gaoxin@bit.edu.cn
办公地点 :3号教学楼210
- 所在学科力学
- 研究方向冲击波物理化学及在材料制备应用
- 教育背景2007年9月—2011年7月 北京化工大学yl23455永利官网 机械工程及自动化专业 本科
2011年9月—2018年3月 yl23455永利官网 力学专业 博士 - 工作经历2018年6月—2020年2月 日本熊本大学 学术研究员、博士后
2020年4月—今 yl23455永利官网 副研究员、硕士生导师 - 学术成果
1. X. Gao, K. Huang, Z. Tan, B. Wang, Q. Song, Q. Chen, P. Chen*, Formation of nanodiamond by pulsed discharge of carbon fiber wires;Applied Physics Letters;2020, 117, 081902.
2. S. Tanaka, D. Inao, K. Hasegawa, K. Hokamoto*, P Chen, X. Gao*, Graphene formation through pulsed wire discharge of graphite strips in water: exfoliation mechanism; Nanomaterials;2021, 11, 1223.
3. H. Ran, Q. Zhou, P. Chen*, J Liu, T. Sekine, X. Gao*, Shock synthesis of nanocrystalline La2Ti2O7 powder;Journal of Applied Physics;2021, 130, 125903.
4. J. Qiao, X. Gao*, Q. Zhou, J. Liu, L. Zhong, P. Chen*, Formation of black phosphorus quantum dots via shock-induced phase transformation;Applied Physics Letters;2022, 120, 141902.
5. J. Qiao, X. Gao*, J. Liu, Q. Zhou, L. Zhong, K. Liu, Y. Li, P. Chen*, Gram-scale preparation of black phosphorus nanosheets via shock-induced phase transformation;Journal of Materials Chemistry C;2022, 10, 10017-10026.
6. X. Gao, H. Ran, Q. Zhou, T. Sekine, J. Liu, Y. Chen, P. Chen*, Formation of novel bimetal oxide In2V2O7 through shock compression method;ACS Omega;2022, 7(31), 27602-27608.
7. L. Zhong, X. Gao*, J. Qiao, X. Zhang, Z. Xiao, P. Chen*, Formation of Si nanoparticles by pulsed discharge of Si strips in distilled water;Journal of Applied Physics;2022, 132(11), 113303.
8. L. Zhong, X. Gao*, J. Qiao, Y. Chen, X. Zhang, Z. Xiao, P. Chen, Formation of Blue-Emitting Colloidal Si Quantum Dots through Pulsed Discharge of Si Strips in Distilled Water Medium;Journal of Physical Chemistry C;2023, 127(8), 4168-4175.
9. J. Qiao, X. Gao*, L. Zhong, Q. Zhou, R. Qiao, J. Liu, T. Wang, Q. Song, P. Chen, Preparation and formation mechanism of few-layer black phosphorene through liquid pulsed discharge;Journal of Materials Chemistry C;2023, 11, 3652-3660.
- 教学工作1、主要讲授课程:
2、指导大学生“世纪杯”学生课外学术科技作品竞赛获校级铜奖; - 荣誉奖励
- 社会兼职1、爆炸力学专业委员会爆炸加工专业组秘书