
联系电话 :010-68912417
E-mail :dongyongx@bit.edu.cn
办公地点 :国重楼209
- 所在学科兵器科学与技术
- 研究方向弹药工程、毁伤与防护
- 教育背景1993年9月—1997年7月 中北大学力学工程系 弹药工程专业 本科
1997年9月—2000年3月 中北大学力学工程系 弹药工程专业 硕士
2000年9月—2004年7月 中国科学院力学研究所 工程力学 博士 - 工作经历2004年10月—至今 yl23455永利官网 讲师~副教授~教授
2011年06月—至今 yl23455永利官网 博士生导师
2012年09月—2013年9月 剑桥大学工程系 访问学者 - 学术成果
1. Qitian Sun, Ping Ye, Xuanyi An, Qian Gao, Wei Hao, Peizhuo Shi, Yongxiang Dong*. Fragmentation behavior and fragment size characteristics of metal rings subjected to internal explosive loading of hollow-charge, Thin-Walled Structures, 2023, 183:110139.
2. Tian Chao, Li Zhipeng, Dong Yongxiang*. Ballistic performance of hybrid structure with perforated panel, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2022(218): 07031(1-12).
3. Ping Ye, Qitian Sun, Qian Gao, Wei Hao, Xuanyi An, Yongxiang Dong*, Double casing warhead with sandwiched charge to produce multiple fragment groups for sequential hits: Concept and analysis of fragment velocity, International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2021,158, 104009.
4. Jiayun Liu, Yongxiang Dong*, Xuanyi An, Ping Ye, Qitian Sun, and Qian Gao. Reaction degree of composition B explosive with multi-layered compound structure protection subjected to detonation loading. Defence Technology, 2021, 17(2):315-326.
5. Qi Huang, Shunshan Feng, Xuke Lan, Qing Song, Tong Zhou, Yong-xiang Dong*. Partial Penetration of Annular Grooved Projectiles Impacting Ductile Metal Targets. Defence Technology, 2021, 17(4): 1115-1125.
6. An Xuanyi, Tian Chao, Sun Qitian, Dong Yongxiang*. Effects of material of metallic frame on the penetration resistances of ceramic-metal hybrid structures, Defence Technology, 2020, 16(1):77-87.
7. Chao Tian, Xuanyi An, Qitian Sun, Yongxiang Dong∗, Experimental and numerical analyses of the penetration resistance of ceramic-metal hybrid structures, Composite Structures, 2019, 211: 264-272.
8. Yuan Gao, Yongxiang Dong*, Lixing Xiao, Fang Wang, Shunshan Feng.Preliminary similarity analysis on the deformation dynamic response of thin plates subjected to blast and impact loadings, Propellants Explosives Pyrotechnics, 2018, 43(6): 583-594.
9. Xuanyi An, Yongxiang Dong*, Jiayun Liu, Chao Tian. General formula to calculate the fragment velocity of warheads with hollow core[J]. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2018, 113:1-8.
10. Chao Ge, Yongxiang Dong*, Wubuliaisan Maimaitituersun, Yuming Ren, Shunshan Feng. Experimental Study on Impact-induced Initiation Thresholds of Polytetrafluoroethylene/Aluminum Composite, Propellants Explosives Pyrotechnics, 2017.5, 42(5): 514-522.
- 教学工作1、主要讲授课程:
4、指导博士生获得兵工学会全国优秀博士学位论文。 - 荣誉奖励1、无附带损伤的无人飞行器拦截技术,教育部技术发明一等,第3完成人,2011
6、中国兵工学会兵器科学与技术学科全国优秀博士学位论文指导教师,2022 - 社会兼职1、兵器装备工程学报编委,中国核学会材料分会第八第九届理事会理事;
2、任“兵工学报”、“爆炸与冲击”、“振动与冲击”、Defence Technology, Materials and Design, Engineering Structures等学术刊物审稿人;