
联系电话 :010-68917371
E-mail :tianye7248@bit.edu.cn
办公地点 :国防科技园6号楼401室
- 所在学科机械工程
- 研究方向智能机器人与系统
- 教育背景2002年9月—2006年7月 yl23455永利官网 机械电子工程专业 本科
2006年9月—2011年3月 yl23455永利官网 机械电子工程专业 博士 - 工作经历2011年4月—2013年4月 yl23455永利官网控制科学与工程博士后流动站 博士后
2013年7月—至今 yl23455永利官网 讲师、硕士生导师 - 学术成果
1. Tian Ye; Chen Xiaopeng; Huang Qiang; Zhang Weimin; Kinematic analysis and solution of the natural posture of a 7DOF humanoid manipulator, 2010 IEEE International Conference on Automation and Logistics(ICAL 2010), Hongkong and Macau, China.
2. Ye Tian; Weimin Zhang; Min Li; Xiaopeng Chen and Fei Meng; Kinematic Analysis and Mechanical Design of a Humanoid Manipulator, INFORMATION, 2011, 14(6): 2115-2137.
3. Tian Ye; Chen Xiaopeng; Jia Dongyong; Meng Fei; Huang Qiang; Mechanical Design and kinematic analysis of a light weight and high stiffness manipulator for humanoid robots, Robot, 2011, 33(3): 332-339.
4. Xiaohua Zhang; Ye Tian*; Jinying Zhu; Haotian She; Xin Li; Wentao Sun; A Novel Self-adaptive Bionic Robot Hand With Flexible Fingers, 2017 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics(ROBIO 2017), Macau, China.
5. Haotian She; Jinying Zhu; Ye Tian*; Yanchao Wang; Hiroshi Yokoi; Qiang Huang; SEMG feature extraction based on Stockwell transform improves hand movement recognition accuracy, Sensors, 2019, 19(20): 4457-4471.
6. Haotian She; Jinying Zhu; Ye Tian*; Yanchao Wang; Qiang Huang; Design of a powered ankle-foot prosthesis with an adjustable stiffness toe joint, Advanced Robotics, 2020, VOL. 34, NO. 10, 689-697.
7. Zhenyu Li; Ye Tian*; Yuxuan Wang; Xiaohua Zhang; Research on Feature Extraction and Classification Measurement of Surface Electromyography for Control of Prosthetic Hand, 2021 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Human-Computer Interaction (ICHCI 2021).
8. Yanchao Wang; Ye Tian*; Haotian She; Yinlai Jiang; Hiroshi Yokoi; Yunhui Liu ; Design of an Effective Prosthetic Hand System for Adaptive Grasping with the Control of Myoelectric Pattern Recognition Approach, Micromachines, 2022, 13(2).
9. Yanchao Wang; Ye Tian*; Jinying Zhu; Haotian She; Hiroshi Yokoi; Yinlai Jiang; Qiang Huang ; A Study on the Classification Effect of sEMG Signals in Different Vibration Environments Based on the LDA Algorithm, Sensors, 2021, 21(18).
10. Xiaodong Lv; Chuankai Dai; Haijie Liu; Ye Tian*; Luyao Chen; Yiran Lang; Rongyu Tang; Jiping He; Gesture recognition based on sEMG using multi-attention mechanism for remote control, Neural Computing and Applications, published online 05 January 2022.
- 教学工作1、主要讲授课程:
3、指导研究生获“北京市三好学生”称号。 - 荣誉奖励Best Paper in Automation Finalist, IEEE ICAL 2010. Tian Ye; Chen Xiaopeng; Huang Qiang; Zhang Weimin; Kinematic analysis and solution of the natural posture of a 7DOF humanoid manipulator, IEEE International Conference on Automation and Logistics.
- 社会兼职