
联系电话 :010-68912044

E-mail :qzhsong@bit.edu.cn

办公地点 :9号教学楼236

  • 所在学科
  • 研究方向
    武器系统总体技术 外骨骼机器人总体技术
  • 教育背景
    1984年9月—1994年6月 武汉水利电力学院(现武汉大学)机械系工程机械专业 本科人
    1992年9月—1995年3月 武汉理工大学 机械学院机械制造专业 硕士
    1999年9月—2003年6月 华中科技大学 机械科学与工程学院机械设计及理论专业 博士
  • 工作经历
    1988年7月—1992年8月 湖北电力建设第一工程公司 助理工程师
    1995年4月—1999年8月 武汉理工大学机械学院 讲师
    2003年7月至今 yl23455永利官网 教授、博士生导师
  • 学术成果








    [1] 6. Qi Z, Song Q, Liu Y*, Guo C. FSM-HSVM-Based Locomotion Mode Recognition for Exoskeleton Robot. Applied Sciences. 2022 May 28;12(11):5483.

    [2] Zhou N, Liu Y, Song Q, Wu D. A Compatible Design of a Passive Exoskeleton to Reduce the Body–Exoskeleton Interaction Force. Machines. 2022 May 13;10(5):371.

    [3]   Liu Y, Liu Y, Song Q. The design of bionic back shelf for weight bearing exoskeleton[C]. 2021 11th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Technology (ICBET 2021).2021. (EI)

    [4]   Jin D, Liu Y, Ma X, Song Q. Long time prediction of human lower limb movement based on IPSO-BPNN[C].2020 International Conference on Electrical, Control, Computing, Communications, Network Engineering (ECCCNE 2020).

    [5]   Ma, X, Liu, Y, Song, Q, Wang, C. Continuous Estimation of Knee Joint Angle Based on Surface Electromyography Using a Long Short-Term Memory Neural Network and Time-Advanced Feature. Sensors, 2020, 20(17), 4966. (SCI)

    [6]   Liu Y, Qiang L, Song Q, et al. Effects of Backpack Loads on Leg Muscle Activation during Slope Walking[J]. Applied sciences, 2020, 10(14):4890. (SCI)

    [7]   Wang X, Song Q, Zhou S, et al. Multi-connection load compensation and load information calculation for an upper-limb exoskeleton based on a six-axis force/torque sensor[J]. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, 2019, 16(4):172988141986318-. (SCI)

    [8]   Wang X, Song Q, Wang X, et al. Kinematics and Dynamics Analysis of a 3-DOF Upper-Limb Exoskeleton with an Internally Rotated Elbow Joint[J]. Applied Sciences, 2018, 8(3):464. (SCI)

    [9]   Tang J, Zheng J, Wang Y, Yu L, Zhan E, Song Q. Self-Tuning Threshold Method for Real-Time Gait Phase Detection Based on Ground Contact Forces Using FSRs[J]. Sensors, 2018, 18(2):481. (SCI)

    [10] Zhou S, Song Q, Wang X. A Kinematics Modeling Method of Linkage Robot Based on Euler Spinning Method[C]. IEEE International Conference on Unmanned Systems (ICUS), 2017. (EI)

    [11] Zhou S, Song Q, Wang X. Design and Simulation of Load Dynamic Compensation Controller Based on Dynamic Model for Upper Limb Exoskeleton Robot[C]. IEEE International Conference on Unmanned Systems (ICUS), 2017. (EI)

  • 教学工作
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